Blog Post

North Tyneside Artist

Emily Ward • June 19, 2020

North Tyneside Artist Lockdown Week

North Tyneside Artist

As a North Tyneside Artist I decided to write down what I do in a week? How are you finding lockdown? 

It has been 10 week's since the Country went in to lockdown and I am finding so much busier than I thought I would be. 

Last Friday I had a Social Media training session with Amanda from North East Social Media . We talked about blogging and what I could blog about. And so I started to create bullet points so I could remember what I do in a week.

A week in the life of a North Tyneside Artist

Friday, following my training I had the wonderful task of updating my Accounts!  Oh yes, I've found that as a business owner I don't just get to do what I  love.  ie being a North Tyneside Artist.  I also get to be an accountant!

Following the not so enjoyable accounts tasks I headed off to our local post office to deliver orders.  This takes a little longer than usual, because of social distancing. I imagine like me you are getting quite used to this now.

Next, it was a quick walk back home and prep for the week ahead. I love lists.  They keep me sane :)

On Saturday, I do try to make some kind of difference so it does feel like a weekend.  But it's hard, right? Anyone else feel that it can sometimes be a bit like groundhog day?

So Saturday I had a visit from my brother and went for a socially distanced walk with a good friend.

Sunday was a family day. I spent a couple of hours on my marketing, planning for the week ahead, but only after some family time.  For yes, the glamorous life of North Tyneside Artist includes house keeping, cooking, cleaning and everything else us normal mums do.

The rest of the week

The rest of the week consisted of

  • packaging orders and posting them
  • updating the website (which I tend to do on a daily basis)
  • celebrating my daughter's birthday
  • attending Social Media Angels school
  • playing with editing apps to create video's for my social media
  • stock taking


This week's proofs


Do keep an eye on the website, as this week I have proofed a new image of the Transporter Bridge and a new poster both of which should be on the shop this week.

As you can see not much time for me, but I'm not complaining.  I like a routine and am happy now that I have one, even if it is slightly different to my normal routine, I have one. I can't wait to have everything organised so this North Tyneside artist can get a paintbrush back in her hand.

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