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Bothy View The Highlands - Framed Ceramic Tile

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Bothy View The Highlands Framed Tile

Bothie View The Highlands framed ceramic tile has been made from an original painting by Emily Ward a local North East artist. Emily has transferred her delightful painting onto a ceramic tile which is individually printed and hand finished by Emily with paint splashes.

You can imagine walking down to this quaint bothie through all the deep purple heather growing wildly at the side of the loch. The colours in the sky and the varying shades of purples rippling across the loch give a romantic feel to this lovely ceramic tile.

To view this and many more of Emily's framed ceramic tiles please view here

The Bothie

Usually always close to national parks and walking trails, they offer a great place for the hundreds of walkers that visit this beautiful area a place to stay. Bothies are traditionally stone or wood dwellings with basic facilities and can be found throughout Scotland.

Ceramic Framed Tile

Each Framed Tile is hand finished by North East Artist Emily Ward. So although your ceramic framed tile is actually a print, no two tiles are identical. Emily hand finishes the tiles by adding extra paint to the ceramic tile.

The framed tile appears as if it is floating inside the frame.

Frames are available in White and Black Frames.

Each frame is 27 x 27 x 5cm

Colours may vary as each tile is printed individually.

All images are available in a

  • framed ceramic tile
  • canvas print
  • greetings card
  • limited edition print
  • Tile with Easel
  • Mini Print
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Bothy View The Highlands - Framed Ceramic Tile
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