Blog Post

Tyne Bridge Painting

Emily Ward • November 18, 2020

Tyne Bridge Painting

Tyne Bridge Painting

Emily Ward has created many paintings but her Tyne Bridge Art is the public's favourite. Emily has two distinctive images of the Tyne bridge.

Paintings of the Tyne Bridge

Emily’s first painting of the Tyne Bridge was a mixture of warm tones. The painting depicted the Tyne Bridge face on, as if you were sailing up the river Tyne. 

She has cantered the bridge between two trees. These trees are no ordinary trees but make believe trees from Emily’s imagination. The trees allow Emily to add her distinctive style. Splashes of browns and peaches are used to represent the leaves and flowers on the trees. 

It is unusual for Emily’s style but this Tyne Bridge painting is darker than normal. The dark silhouette of the Tyne Bridge adds an eerie atmosphere to the painting. 

Tyne Bridge Painting with Flowers

The Tyne Bridge with flowers is very different from her original Tyne Bridge painting. The Tyne Bridge with flowers is an unusual image. Emily has chosen to mix bright coloured flowers against  the stark steel structure of the Tynebridge. 

The painting of the Tyne Bridge with flowers also has an uplifting pink sky. This painting is a joyful painting which is often purchased by women. The original painting of the Tyne Bridge is mainly purchased by men.

Tyne Bridge Artist

There are many other artists across the North East who have painted pictures of the Tyne Bridge. One of Emily’s favourites is
Rob Myres. 

Rob is a friend of Emily’s and also does work for her from time to time.

Rob has a very distinctive style. He focuses on the atmosphere of each of his paintings. This is often achieved through the reflection of light. 

Emily sells many beautiful gifts made from her two paintings of the
Tyne Bridge. From glossy tiles to huge hand finished canvases. There is something for everyone. Emily also sells Greetings cards of the Tyne Bridge. 

Emily has recently joined up with a local charity Beach Access to create a collection of Christmas Cards. One of which is a painting of the Tyne Bridge with snow flakes. 

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