Blog Post

Whitley Bay Gift Range

Emily Ward • August 11, 2020

Gifts from Whitley Bay 

Whitley Bay Gifts Spanish City

Beautiful Whitley Bay Gifts

Emily Ward has a collection of Whitley Bay Gifts. The Whitley Bay gifts are a collection of paintings displaying Whitley Bay. The paintings are of famous Whitley Bay landmarks. St Mary’s Lighthouse, the Spanish City and the Links Art Gallery.

St Marys lighthouse gift range 

St Mary’s has been a popular painting for Emily Ward Art. Emily has been commissioned over 15 times from separate customers to paint pictures of St Mary’s Lighthouse in Whitley Bay. Most of her paintings depict the rough North Sea which surrounds the lighthouse. Which is often seen crashing against the Lighthouse walls. 

In contrast to the dark colours seen on the Whitley Bay Lighthouse paintings Emily has created a summerey painting of the lighthouse. On this painting St Mary’s lighthouse is seen in the background.  In the foreground there is a display of colourful bright flowers. 

Emily has managed to mix the styles of contemporary and traditional painting to produce the Whitley Bay painting of St Mary's Lighthouse.

It is in fact this painting of the lighthouse which is one of her best sellers.

Emily explains that people tend to like bright colours in paintings. The fact that the lighthouse is one of the favourite North Neat landmarks made the painting one of Emily most popular.

Spanish City gifts

The Whitley Bay gift range is also made up with another iconic landmark. The Spanish City.

This iconic building sits on the Seafront. It is a huge white building with a unique dome structure.

For this painting Emily has used deep yellows, browns and white. 

Links Art Gallery Gifts

Gift range based on Whitley Bay  continues with an image of The Links Art Gallery. This gallery is also found on Whitley Bay seafront. On the promenade which stretches from the Spanish City to St Mary’s Lighthouse. 

Emily’s Whitley Bay paintings and gift range can be seen and purchased in the Links Art gallery. Her Whitley Bay gift range can also be purchased from many Whitley Bay gift shops.

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